As you clear the channels and tune into your body, you’ll shift how you see yourself, and you’ll attract more magic into your life.

The wise woman priestess puts herself, her needs, her desire, her pleasure, FIRST. She lives like a queen because she knows that her body is her connection to Divinity, an embodiment of the Goddess herself on Earth.

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  • Welcome!

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  • Your practices

  • Make cooking & meal planning easy

  • Easy Snacks

  • Intentionally design your lifestyle

  • Wise Woman Herbal Tradition

  • Teas and infusions

  • About the nervous system & nourishment

  • Cultivating Feminine Radiance

  • What is self forgetting?

  • Bathing as a ritual art

  • Emotional repression

  • Processing techniques

  • Play

  • Subtle Energies

  • Movement meditation

  • How embodiment works