Masterclass Series

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Legendary Legacy of Love

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Feminine Mystery School

The Rise Collective is a Feminine Mystery School where Courageous Wise Women come to become channels of light and embody their innate gifts.

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Womb Shaman Mini Course

  • 10 Videos

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Sovereignty Masterclass

Who would you be without the layers and layers of conditioned behaviors, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings?

When you decondition and undoctrinate yourself from the propaganda that constantly infiltrates our consciousness, you will discover...YOU.

Your truest essence, and what she is here to do. You will discover a new level of clarity, focus, forthrightness, and steadfastness; a grosgrain of belief in what is eternal to your soul.

  • 11 Videos

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Body Bliss Bootcamp

Working with the body as a portal to blissful feminine radiance and Divine Connection.

  • 20 Videos

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Priestess Communication Masterclass

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